Magetan, a small town that has some interesting sights too bad if it is not in the visit. one of  famous tourist attractions are the lake sarangan, but still many others. let's read more to find out where that place,,

1. Sarangan lake

This lake commonly known by the lake in the sand for some reason call like that. Located at the foot of Mount Lawu precisely in Magetan Plaosan District, East Java. Located about 16 km off the northwestern town of Magetan.In this lake there is also the place of accommodation there are 2 star hotels, 43 hotels and 18 grade jasmine homestays. In addition there are also many souvenir stalls in addition visitors can also enjoy the beauty of the lake. Or you want to ride around the lake, or you can also drive a boat. There are also available. Other facilities are restaurant, tourist markets, parking lots, places of worship, and parks.Sarangan has several important yearly events calendar, which is moored on Friday offerings Ruwah Pon month, school holidays in mid-year, Ledug Sura 1 Muharram, and the fireworks on New Year's Eve

.2. Wahyu lake

Rev. Lake Located about 3 Kilometers from Sarangan, precisely lake in Lake District Is a Revelation Magetan.Telaga which includes Lake Natural manusia.Telaga not the work of the Rev It has about 15 acres, the lake is not much different in the lake Lake near the lake sarangan revelation.
To reach the lake revelation is not too difficult in because access roads have been very baik.wisatawan can use four wheel drive vehicles or motorcycles.
revelation in the lake, tourists can relax while fishing or other activities associated with tours of Lake, Lake Revelation deliberately littered with various kinds of fish to be provided for those who love fishing, so this place is a place of fishing and are often used to scout camp.on certain days of revelation there is the lake area entertainment and performing arts, in order to attract tourists who are present in the lake revelation.
Near Lake revelation tourists can find a natural in the eyes of Water Resources called Tamtu, according to the legend that the eyes Water Tamtu has kasiat to make people stay young.
In the surrounding lake, the population looks verdant farmland, promising fertility. If you're passing this area make time to enjoy the lake for a while for this one.
Around the lake are excellent for Hiking revelation because of the scenery around the lake is very beautiful, and people are very friendly and the climate is very sejuk.Wisata Indonesia Heaven on Earth.

3. Air Terjun Tirtosari

Located about 2.5 km southwest of Lake Sarangan, can be reached via horseback or on foot. Waterfall on the location you can enjoy the natural beauty Tirtosari, water flowing from a height of about 50 M down through the slit is flanked by steep rocks provide a beautiful and interesting scenery. According to enjoy public confidence if Tirtosari Waterfall can make us stay young

4. Manunggal Park
Taman Ria Manunggal Located in the eastern city of Magetan about 1 km from the town square, the facilities at this park, there is a swimming pool, a wide range of toys and foods typical Magetan.

5. Candi Simbatan – Patung Dewi Sri
This temple is located in the Village Simbatan, about 17 km to the east of the city Magetan. Since 1813 local people do the 'Clean Village' or cleaning the temple which is done every Friday in the month of Muharram Pahing. From 1933 to 1942, there are sources of clean water that flows from the bust of Dewi Sri. Most Tulungagung and community Kediri fetch water and used for the treatment of all types of diseases.

6. Taman Ria Kosala Tirta
