Legend of Sarangan Lake
On the Lawu mountain slope, Magetan, there lived a couple farmer named Kyai pasir and Nyai pasir. They lived near with the forest. They lived in a hut on the edge of the forest.  Although only made of wood and roofed with leaves, a tiny shack that was safe enough for the Kyai pasir and his wife of the disturbance of wild animals. The walls of the hut made ​​from wood . Among the wooden walls were given a ventilation so that fresh air can enter the hut.
Kyai pasir is farmer .From the results of the rice field that he and his wife survived, but it is not enough to sufficient. Kyai's rice fields located on the edge of the forest, not far from where she lived. One day, an old man  went into the fields with a hatchet. He intended to clear the forest to create new fields in the near field of his possession. When he want to cut one large tree, Kyai Pasir suddenly saw a large white egg lying under the tree.
"Hey, what's the animal egg?" He is surprised.
Kyai Pasir very curious about the big egg. He took the eggs while
observed him .
"Ah, maybe not this chicken eggs. Where there are chickens wandering in this place? "said Kyai Pasir," Besides, eggs are larger than chicken eggs. "
Kyai pasir did not want a headache thinking about what an animal's egg. For him, the egg is a delicious side dish when cooked. Therefore, he wanted to bring home the eggs for a side dish for lunch with his wife at home. When the days noon, he was brought home with eggs and given it to his wife.
"Mom, please cook the eggs for our lunch!" Said Kyai pasir
"Wow, this is giant egg. For the first time I saw this big egg, "said Nyai pasir by surprise when receive the egg," Where do you find these eggs, sir? "
Kyai Pasir also tells how he found the egg. After that, he again asked his wife to cook the eggs because he was hungry. He also can not wait to eat the eggs. However, the wife still kept asking him about the egg.
"This is what animal eggs, sir?" Asked Nyai pasir
"Come on, Mom. Do not have a lot of questions! "Said Kyai pasir was annoyed. "Hurry up you cook the egg, my stomach is growling!"
Nyai pasir was quickly brought the eggs to the kitchen and cooked them. While waiting for the eggs well done, Kyai Pasir lay on his bed because of tired. a few minutes, his wife was finished cooking.
"Sir, lunch is ready. Come, eat! "Said Nyai pasir
Kyai pasir moved from his bed. He and his wife were soon eating eggs with
greedy . Those boiled eggs are for the two equally. After lunch, Kyai pasir back into the jungle to continue his work. Along the way, he still felt how delicious of boiled eggs just now. However, when he reached the field, suddenly his whole body feels pain, heat, and stiffness. Her eyes began to see stars and his body soaked in cold sweat. He was complaining in pain.
"Oh, why the sudden my whole body hurt like this," lamented Kyai pasir
The longer, the pain in his body became increasingly. Kyai pasir was not able to withstand the pain that fall to the ground and
rolled up and down. A few moments later, his whole body suddenly turns into a great dragon. Growled very sharp and hard. His form was very . horrible. Kyai pasir that has been transformed into a male dragon kept rolling without stopping.
At the same time, Nyai pasir in the house also suffered the same fate. Apparently, they have eaten are dragon eggs. Nyai pasir who felt his whole body ached immediately ran into the fields to ask for help from the Kyai pasir. What a surprise when she arrived at the farm. She finds her husband has turned into a frightening dragon. He was
to run out of fear. However, because no longer able to bear the pain on his body, Nyai pasir collapsed and rolled on the ground. Soon, her entire body covered with scales until it turns into a female dragon .
Both dragon roll around so the ground become form a basin had been excavated. Over time, the basin is increasingly
wide and deep. After that, came storm of water from the bottom of the basin land. The longer storm of water,make the basin was filled with water and turned into a lake.
By the local people, the lake was named Telega pasir is taken from the name of Kyai and Nyai pasir. However, its location in the  Sarangan
Village  so this lake also called Sarangan.
moral message:
we should be more careful and more thoroughly before taking something that we do not know their origins in order to avoid the things that are not desirable.
